By joining our monthly giving program you are not just supporting our charity. You are joining a community of like-minded individuals, united by our passion to care for people living with cancer - now and for future generations to come.
You can help today by pledging your support to give not just once. But to stick with us month in and month out. Year in and year out. Faithfully fighting for HOPE for people living with cancer whatever comes our way.

Monthly giving is the easiest and most effective way for you to support our work. And it doesn't take a big monthly gift to have an impact with us.
For the cost of a coffee and cake each week, you can alleviate financial stress and worry for someone with cancer, by providing subsidised cancer care and support for an entire year. This means our clients can focus this energy on their health and not worry about their finances!
Additionally, an automatic monthly gift reduces Bloomhill Cancer Care's administrative costs, redirecting precious funds towards growing our services towards caring for people with cancer.